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Demystifying fish quotas

Underwater view of large schools of fish
© Rich Carey, Shutterstock

Council of the European Union

December 2016


How do you make negotiating European fish quotas look easy?


Create an infographic to explain how it’s done and why.

Negotiating fish quotas and catch limits in the EU is a complex, controversial but necessary business. Ministers, scientists and officials are involved in lengthy annual negotiations to determine what can be fished and ultimately what ends up on our plate. A process that seems remote affects our mealtimes, so our client wanted citizens to get a better understanding of how this was done.

Tipik created an infographic that breaks the process down, helping people understand when and how the negotiations take place, who decides and, just as importantly, why quotas exist. The bottom line is: if we want to keep eating fish we need to manage the oceans. By starting with the ‘Why?’ the product gets people interested in the ‘How?’