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Taking advanced maths to everyone

Children scuba diving in maths formula
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European Research Council

August 2018


How do you make cutting-edge maths research accessible to all?


Build a good relationship with the researchers so that the articles offer new insights for mathematicians and something of interest to a wider readership.

Cutting-edge mathematics can be fascinating but if you aren’t in the field, it can also be baffling. Tipik was asked by the European Research Council to write a series of articles on maths projects for a brochure that would be handed out at the prestigious International Congress of Mathematicians. Each article had to showcase the work done by a researcher in a way that could engage their peers.

But the challenge didn’t end there. The brochure would then need to appeal to a far wider audience after the event. Maths research is not an isolated field, this seemingly obscure research area increasingly shapes our lives.

By building up a relationship with each researcher, our writers managed to get them to communicate on two levels, for each type of reader. The result? An attractive brochure that strikes a balance between the highly technical and the accessible.