Trailblazers of diversity

DG Justice & Consumers, European Commission
April 2024
What drives more equal, diverse societies across the EU?
Empowering those who lead the way.
More inclusive cities and regions, more equal workplaces and societies – the European Commission rewards and supports those who help make the EU a place where we embrace diversity. European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity and European Diversity Month aim to raise the bar in the fight against discrimination.
For the third year in a row, Tipik’s team has helped the Commission’s DG Justice organise these twin initiatives and give them the visibility they deserve.
Built on our differences
The European Capitals of Inclusion and Diversity Awards 2024 recognise the work of local authorities who go the extra mile to build an inclusive environment. This year, a specific award recognised local authorities enabling safe towns, cities and regions for women in all their diversity, by addressing violence against women.
In the run-up to the event, Tipik worked on all fronts to get the word out. We produced a wide range of assets (most of them in 23 languages):
- A social media campaign with custom-made videos and visuals to boost applications and garner interest in the award among local authorities;
- A media outreach campaign;
- Targeted mailouts and a special newsletter to potential applicants and other interested parties; and
- A website enabling applicants to submit their entries and serving as a one-stop shop before, during and after the event.
These activities resulted in a large number of quality applications (67 eligible submissions) from 13 countries, as well as high visibility in traditional and social media.
Putting diversity on the agenda…
The award ceremony on 25 April 2024 in Brussels was combined with a high-level event kicking off European Diversity Month which celebrates inclusivity efforts by companies and other organisations.
Tipik’s event team assisted DG Justice in designing the events’ concept, inviting and registering participants, web streaming and animating online debates using Slido, and ensuring everything went smoothly on-site. Interpretation and live captioning services were also provided to make the events a fully accessible experience.
The event brought together 246 participants onsite and an additional 406 participants online. Videos presenting each winner are now available online.
…and on the map
To promote European Diversity Month online, we developed a multilingual toolkit to help organisations across Europe organise and promote their own diversity events. Our team created an interactive map of European Diversity Month events happening across Europe where organisations could add their initiatives, enabling everyone to find and join activities happening in their area.
We also worked on an online self-assessment tool for companies, designed to provide insightful feedback to help them live up to their diversity ambitions.
On the road toward more inclusion, empowering first movers and getting a large and diverse audience involved is a must. Mission accomplished!