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A decade of showcasing european research

Young female scientist holding a transparent red pill
© iStock


December 2024


What do you do with a database of 150,000 EU science grants?


Bring incredible stories of European research to life.

The EU has set aside €95.5 billion for research and innovation under the Horizon Europe programme. The results of EU-funded research projects will change our lives for decades to come. Our team of science journalists, designers and AV specialists work together to bring the results of this ground-breaking research to life.  

CORDIS is the European Commission’s main website for EU-funded research projects. Launched in 1994, it is the Commission’s longest-running website.

Since 2013, Tipik has worked to disseminate the results of these projects for the Publications Office of the European Union, delivering a range of written and audiovisual content to millions of visitors every year.

A variety of products covering all branches of science

Building on a database of over 150,000 research grants, Tipik produces a broad multimedia content package that brings the exciting results of these projects to the public in six languages. Every year, our team of writers interview the lead researchers behind 300 hand-picked projects to produce Results in Brief and Success Story articles.

To date, Tipik has produced almost 100 Results Packs that highlight the latest EU-funded research on topics such as:

  • Supporting democracy ;
  • Using algae in the shift to a more sustainable economy;
  • Supercomputing ;
  • Ethics and integrity in research;
  • The impact of climate change on the Earth’s polar regions.

We also produce variants such as Projects Info Packs, which feature ongoing research in the field with bespoke explanatory infographics, and Synergy Info Packs, which include research funded by programmes outside of the Horizon framework, as well as standalone publications.

A shift to audiovisual

We’ve kept up with communication trends and have developed a range of complementary audiovisual products. Now in its 42nd episode, the CORDIScovery podcast brings audiences fascinating conversations with EU-funded researchers, covering topics such as soil health, pandemic preparedness, insights into democracy, and battery technology.

Make the Connection is a series of videos created by Tipik in collaboration with media partners. Each minute-long animated video highlights a surprising link uncovered by EU-funded research, such as how strontium can reveal the emergence of patriarchy in the Bronze Age, and why electric shocks might be used to increase the shelf life of pears.

We also boost the impact of Results Packs and Success Stories with on-demand dedicated teaser videos that help draw audiences in to find out more about these products.

Facing the future

For three decades, CORDIS has brought EU-funded research to the public. Tipik is proud to support its mission, and we continue to develop fresh, innovative and engaging ways to tell the stories behind the science.