Click through to justice in the EU

DG Justice, European Commission
December 2022
What does better access to justice across EU borders involve?
Creating awareness about the European e-justice one-stop-shop.
Need to send legal documents to another EU country? Looking for past court decisions from across Europe? Or maybe you are dealing with international contracts?
Whatever your situation, the European e-Justice Portal has got you covered. It provides access to a wealth of information on European justice systems as well as a number of electronic services in 23 languages.
The European Commission’s DG Justice, who manages the portal, needed to get the word out about the revamped portal to reach audiences and help them make the most of these services. That’s where Tipik came in.
A twin-track campaign
We developed a campaign to promote the portal among two key audiences, citizens and legal professionals, deploying tailor-made strategies for each.
To raise awareness among the public, we launched a Google Ad campaign using the Google Display Network, targeting citizens facing cross-border legal challenges. This involved creating ads and around 600 keywords and translating them into all of the portal’s languages as a starting point.
Optimisation was the key to the ad campaign’s success: continuous monitoring and finetuning enabled us to effectively reach out to those most likely to benefit from the portal.
We reached out to expert audiences with a LinkedIn campaign targeting legal professionals who can find useful resources for their work on the portal, in particular with regard to EU cross-border judicial cooperation.
Activities included
- the creation of a visual identity for the campaign,
- the creation of assets such as videos, visuals and accompanying copy,
- moderation of comments and
- finetuning based on results.
Driving traffic
Both strands of the campaign were highly successful. In total, the campaign generated one million hits on the portal. The campaign exceeded all target KPIs including ad impressions and click-through-rate.
Ultimately, raising the profile of the e-Justice Portal has helped to ensure that access to justice has become easier for Europeans at large – good news for every one of us.