Live-in robot story goes viral

How do you show the life-changing impact of ICT?
Make an inspirational video of an elderly woman living independently with the help of a robot
Tipik’s audiovisual team captured the fascinating story of Nonna Lea, a spirited 94-year old who enjoys 24-hour health care thanks to a live-in robot, Mr Robin. The rapport our crew struck up with Ms Lea is what made the film so memorable and grabbed media attention.
The Commission wanted to showcase the human face of ICT, so to get to the heart of how Nonna Lea’s robotic helper has changed her life, our journalist took the time to enter the Nonna Lea’s world. Tipik built the sense of trust that allowed Lea to express herself with the confidence and spirit seen on screen.
The film gives a fascinating insight into the role medical robots can play in helping the elderly retain their independence, and is a memorable depiction of human resilience and humour. It’s an attractive mix and CNN weren’t long to pick up the film, along with Italian outlets RAI, La Stampa and Corriere della Sera