The EU’s ‘What’s on?’

European External Action Service
March 2018
How do you bring the EU closer to ordinary people?
Develop a multilingual app listing EU events worldwide
137 EU Delegations host events and training sessions to help people learn about the EU and what they as a student, business person or family can get out of it. But too many people miss out because they don’t know about these opportunities.
Tipik’s developers created an app that brings all this information together in one place, in 27 languages and on your phone. Subjects, times, dates and places for all countries are now available at a click. Our work on the Drupal back office means that each time a Delegation publishes a new event on its website, it is automatically integrated into the app. All content is localised, making life easy for users. Want to know about events in France? Download the app in French only. Interested in France and Germany? Choose two languages and get events for both countries. Maybe you’re living in China, Russia or the US? The app’s available for those countries too. Download the EU in the World app for Android and iOS, find out what’s going on where you live.