Safety & Sustainability First

Renault Motors
April 2019
How do you help a major car manufacturer to ‘sell’ road safety and sustainability to tomorrow’s drivers?
With a total revamp of their website, putting stories, games and competitions centre stage.
Road accidents are the leading cause of death for those aged 18-24. Transport is responsible for nearly a quarter of all Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. Safety and sustainability are two major challenges for the car industry. Renault, Europe’s fourth largest car manufacturer, has got them covered. As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy the company has developed an extensive education package for tomorrow’s drivers, but the site needed a new look to reach out to teachers and pupils across the world. Renault’s CSR team turned to Tipik.
Our team completely overhauled the ‘Safety and Mobility for all’ site, building a new, more intuitive site architecture, designing a responsive site fit for mobiles and tablets, reworking content and taking the site into Drupal 8. All in three months. The result? A modern multilingual site that works seamlessly on desktop and mobile, streams content from social media and provides clear categories of content by age so teachers and pupils can find what they need, fast. To teach tomorrow’s drivers you need a site that meets today’s standards. Job now done.
Technical aspects: Drupal 8, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, Mobile-First, Social Media aggregator, PHP, MySQL, OpenStreetMap/Leaflet.