A new-look corporate Congress

European Association of Chemical Distributors (FECC)
June 2019
How do you re-energise a corporate annual conference?
With a top-notch conference app, sleek visual identity and great organisational skills.
The European Association of Chemical Distributor’s (FECC) Annual Congress is the industry event of the year. In 2019 150 industry leaders and stakeholders came together in Sitges, near Barcelona to network and generate new business. Tipik’s events team worked closely with the Association’s staff to deliver a dynamic Congress that tackled the industry’s challenges head on whilst giving delegates the time and space to build valuable working relationships.
Our team designed a new visual identity for the Congress, a mobile app and provided event consulting before during and after the event, with staff onsite to make sure everything ran smoothly over the two days.
The mobile app made the Congress more interactive made life easier for the busy delegates. It included:
- The conference programme
- Speakers’ biographies
- Timeline of the conference as a Facebook wall
- Live polling on hot issues
- Live Q&As
- Live chat to exchange message or make appointments to meet
- Floor plan
Interacting face-to-face and online meant delegates could get more done under the sunny Spanish skies.