Making sure laws on human trafficking are applied correctly across the EU

European Commission, Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs
January 2015
How do you gather all the information on what every European Union country is doing to fight human trafficking?
Look beyond national legislation and analyse all measures taken at national level.
The challenge of helping the European Union assess how member countries are putting EU laws into place is something Tipik’s legal department takes on every day. But when we were asked to look even more in-depth at how countries were applying laws against human trafficking, we had to re-think our approach.
Our national experts were asked to assess the situation across the EU going beyond the analysis of national law. They also considered national action plans, internal regulations, instructions for staff of relevant organisations and the information provided in websites or leaflets available to the public.
In doing so, Tipik’s team of legal experts were able to give the Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs a comprehensive picture of how European laws to prevent human trafficking, and protect its victims, were playing out across the European Union.
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