Making science wonder-ful!

European Commission, Directorate-General Education and Culture
September 2016
How do you inspire the next generation of Einsteins?
Turn the European Parliament’s visitors’ centre into a science lab for the day.
Steak, whips, liquid azote and 80 litres of juice - not your average shopping list for an EU event. But then 'Science is wonderful!' is not your average event. Tipik brought live experiments and a science slam to the Parlementarium to kick off European Researchers’ Night 2016.
30 young researchers and their kit came from across Europe to Brussels, with our team managing travel, logistics and security. We bussed in 1 200 schoolchildren to check out their discoveries and have a go at the experiments.
3 100 people came to see science in action. They got to check out a robot, explore the link between food and Alzheimer's, eat molecular ice-cream, build a satellite and much more. Our team was on hand to record and promote the event as press relations, audio-visual coverage and social media promotion were all part of the package.