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Safeguarding European democracy

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European Commission, Publications Office (CORDIS)

October 2020


How do you highlight the many challenges to democracy in Europe?


Put together a hard-hitting publication, featuring some of Europe’s most talented social scientists.

The 2010s were a difficult decade, with the rise of populist politics on both the left and the right, fuelled by passionate debates on issues such as identity, immigration and economic austerity.

Highlighting innovative social sciences research

The Tipik editorial team was tasked with finalising a CORDIS Results Pack that features comprehensive interviews with 12 innovative EU-funded research projects that have been working hard to provide concrete solutions to address these challenging issues.

Of course, a high degree of political astuteness was a key factor to keep in mind, due to the sensitive nature of many of the themes discussed.

A plethora of political paradoxes

Just some of the key issues covered by Tipik’s team of highly experienced journalists include:

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Europe’s democratic future
  • Cultural and social integration
  • Misinformation and ‘fake news’
  • Economic insecurity and how to assist ‘left behind’ communities

Check out more Results Packs featuring cutting-edge research in niche fields on the CORDIS website.